God's Grace Is Sufficient

At the start of 2020, the whole world had hopes, resolutions, and expectations just like each new year of better things to come in their lives. There were hopes for healthier living, to start a business, to go to college, to get married, to buy a house, or to make lifestyle changes to better themselves. It was to be year to make gains in many areas of life.

But instead of it turning into a year of gains it was a year just to SUSTAIN and MAINTAIN. It was a year that we all learned that it was ONLY by God’s amazing grace where we are still standing at the end of 2020. God’s grace sustained us during a worldwide pandemic that devastated our world. It was God and God ALONE who sustained us despite all the sickness, death, and struggles all around us so that we could maintain our health, families, homes, finances, and businesses.

As we look back, we should realize that this year was a year to just be grateful; truly grateful to God for all that you have. It was a year that made you remember what is important in life like your health and family. It was a year to get closer to God and to truly understand like never before that He is a God of provision. He shall provide our EVERY need. (Matthew 6:25-34)

As we close out the year let us thank God for all the provisions and protection in 2020 and praise God in advance for all the blessings in store for us in 2021 for I do believe that better days are ahead, and THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

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