About Me

Hey, there peeps! Downtown Mary Brown aka DTMB is an inspirational news anchor(truly not your typical news anchor). She is a news anchor (by her own account) 🙂 who loves to share inspirational and energizing news through news videos, social memes, and blogs to help those struggling to find hope in their life or to help those just seeking some encouragement to continue holding onto hope. She enjoys sharing personal and public events that also inspire others. Bless 2 Bless News was created to share the uplifting news on various social media platforms.

Do you need a smile? Then definitely tune in because she has a contagious sense of humor and loves to share her joy, inspiration, and thoughts to help all in need. Do you have news that will inspire others or help others that you want to be shared? Then please feel free to contact her via email at dtmb@blessed2blessnews.com. STAY TUNE for the news that you can use from Bless 2 Bless News.

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