Are You Ready For Your Blessing?

If you are reading this, it means you have survived one of the most challenging years in life for many. You have survived COVID-19, a pandemic that rocked our world in 2020. It completely changed our lives as we knew it. It impacted our homes, families, businesses, jobs, schools, health care system, economy; it rocked EVERYTHING.

But here you are still living and breathing in this first day and first month of 2021. What an amazing blessing. Let me wish you a very happy and prosperous new year. I pray that you entered 2021 with a heart of gratefulness and spirit of hopefulness. See, you MUST be grateful to have survived any losses, setbacks, struggles, and maybe even sickness you experienced in 2020. There were millions that didn’t make it out of 2020 but here YOU stand in this new year.

As you can see you have so much to be grateful for and you have so much to be hopeful for as well. God has plans for you in this new year and that is why you are still here. God has a purpose for you in 2021 and that is why you are still here. You may have prayed for something you wanted for your life in 2020 that didn’t happen. It didn’t happen not because it was being denied but because it was being prepared for you or you were being prepared for it. God just delayed it until the time is right. After all He is the God with the most perfect timing. I know for a fact that He may not come when you want Him but He’s ALWAYS on time.

I want you to know you must keep praying and praising God no matter how tired you are, no matter how long you have waited for a breakthrough, or how impatient you have become. I want you to know that THIS YEAR will be the year of your breakthrough. All the hell you went through last year wasn’t in vain. That pain and hurt you experienced was with purpose.

God has 365 days to make a way, move the mountain, and break that chain. God has ample time to bring you a mind blowing miracle if you just believe Him to be the ON TIME, FAITHFUL, and POWERFUL God that He is. Whatever you have prayed for last year or are praying for this year you MUST be ready to receive it. You must be ready to walk through that door HE will open to the new job, new home, new relationship, and new business in 2021. God is ready to bring it in 2021 but are you ready to receive it? ARE YOU READY?

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