Celebrate Your Resiliency

There have been so many battles over the last few months or even years that you have faced where you’ve had to press on and press through so you could get through and get on with your life. Many of these were silent battles and nobody but you and God were aware of them. That isn’t a bad thing because some things should only be shared between you and God.

But the point here is that you have withstood the storms of life that often seemed never ending. You withstood the storms of life that have seemed unbearable and unimaginable in some cases. There were days you didn’t want to get out of the bed, couldn’t eat, and at times couldn’t think about anything but your many struggles. There were nights you couldn’t sleep for all you could do was weep. There were times you wanted to give up and give in but you prayed on and pushed on holding onto that mustard seed faith that things would get better.

But now here you stand ONLY by God’s grace after the storm. He gave you the strength and courage to face each day, hour, or minute in those times you wanted to throw in the towel. You grew stronger in faith each time you prayed. You found the strength to face those battles, carry those burdens, and withstand the storms.

Now that the storm is over you MUST first praise God for His faithfulness, goodness, and greatness through it all. But you must also celebrate your resiliency in all of those storms. Your resiliency is not to be overlooked. It must be acknowledged, celebrated, and remembered. There were so many struggles you survived when many thought you wouldn’t and you at times even thought you couldn’t.

Take the time to look back at where you came from and celebrate your resiliency through it all. Be sure to store those memories in your archives of life to refer back to in hard times. Often when we face difficulties in life we only look at all the burdens we face at that time and then we get overwhelmed and discouraged. We forget how far we’ve come and how much we have overcome before in life.

So, when the storms rage again in your life (and they will) you can remind yourself of the many times you made it out of some really hard and challenging times. Remind yourself of how resilient you were and encourage yourself. Trust that the same resiliency will allow you to make it out again. RESILIENCY, yes celebrate that!

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