Encourage Yourself

One thing I’ve learned early in life is that you MUST be your own cheerleader. You must cheer yourself on anyway you can. You must lift yourself up everyway you can. You must encourage yourself everyday you can. Sure there are some people that can encourage you when you need it. But there are also many people that you will meet that will never cheer for you, support you, or believe in you. But that is okay as long as you do.

I see many of us looking for inspiration in life from other people. We look for an encouraging word, message, or idea because we are facing struggles in our lives and often feel overwhelmed with the challenges that life brings to us all. Day in and day out it becomes harder for some of us to be encouraged and stay encouraged. It becomes harder for some of us to keep pushing on and pressing on in life when it seems that the mountain grows taller and taller to climb each day and we grow wearier and wearier trying to climb the mountain.

We look around for a light of hope in our times of darkness and we look around for inspiring words to lift up our broken spirits. We look to family, friends, teachers, religious leaders, and even celebrities for inspiration. We look to the individuals with eagerness and often desperation to help us find hope in our hopeless situation. Now, seeking encouragement from others isn’t a bad thing. Please hear me and understand me on that. However, those we look to for help don’t always understand your struggle to be able to encourage you. They don’t always have the time, words, or desire to motivate you. They aren’t always available to help you or they don’t or won’t make the time for you. They don’t always have the energy or motivation to inspire themselves much less to inspire anyone else. I could go on but you get the point.

Sometimes we are all we have at certain moments in life. This is why it is necessary to be able to encourage your own self in good times and bad times. It is important that you can speak positivity in negative situations. It is critical that you cheer yourself on to keep reaching higher and working harder to not only to survive in life but to thrive in life. You got to speak increase, blessings, and favor over yourself. Your words have power over your life so open your mouth and encourage yourself. Tell yourself you’re gonna make it. Pat yourself on the back when you make big moves in life. Clap for yourself when nobody else does. You look in that mirror and point to yourself and say, “Go You, Go!”

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