Breakthrough Alert

We live in a world where life can present so many challenges and road blocks. So often you may find yourself facing burden after burden, setback after setback, and disappointment after disappointment. Every day you wake up to face some obstacle in your life that makes it hard to be hopeful of better things to come.

You have more bills to pay than dollars to pay them. It’s a struggle to keep a roof over your head, lights and heat on in the house, food on the table, and clothes on your back. You face issues with your health and often you find yourself down more days than you are up because of your failing health. Then there’s the family, marriage, or relationship issues that you may face. You face these struggle day in and day out and it seems like there is no end in sight.

You may start to feel disappointed, discouraged, and defeated with all of the burdens you face. You stay up at night crying over things and stressing over things. You pray for help and look for hope that things are going to turn around. It seems like the more you try to find a sign that things are going to get better that things actually get worse. Why is that? How can this be?

Let me answer that for you. But first let me remind you that God has NEVER said this journey of life would ever be easy. But what He did say is that He would be there for every step of the way. (Deuteronomy 31:6) He said He would help us carry those burdens when it seems too much for us to bear. (Psalm 55:22). So, we are NEVER alone in our struggles, and we NEVER have to carry the burdens in life alone. We just must remember to lean on Him, trust Him, and wait on Him for He will see us through all of the struggles we face.

Now, to answer the question. How can things seem to get worse when you keep praying to God for a breakthrough? This is the BREAKTHROUGH ALERT. The enemy comes hard when you are about to get a breakthrough. The enemy wants you to stop praying and to give up on God bringing you out of your struggle. He ‘thinks’ if he brings more burdens then you will just believe that your prayers are in vain and that they won’t be answered. But you must know his games and remember that he is a liar. See, the closer you get to that breakthrough the harder the enemy comes. He wants to break you down before you get your breakthrough.

You must pray without ceasing, remain steadfast in your faith, and wait on God to come through with a breakthrough for you. It may get worse before it gets better but do NOT break down before you get your breakthrough for this too shall pass. Just remember two words, BREAKTHROUGH ALERT and then praise God in advance for the breakthrough that is on the way.

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