You have been through some impossible situations, faced some unimaginable issues, and endured some of the hardest times in your life. The struggles you’ve experienced seem to have lasted forever and a day. You felt like you would never make it out, but by God’s AMAZING GRACE you MADE IT OUT each time. Only to find yourself right back in a mighty storm in your life.

Right now, you may be facing a family issue, a health crisis, a death in the family, or a financial burden that is testing your faith and breaking your spirit. You can’t seem to find peace in the day for thinking about it and can’t find rest at night for worrying about it.

Each day and hour that goes by you become more anxious for a breakthrough. You continue to pray on it but as time passes and no change comes it becomes unbearable. You start to feel hopeless with each passing hour and day. It is a struggle to hold it all together with the burdens you are facing right now. “What is going on with me? ” You ask yourself.

I hold no PhD but I can make the diagnosis. You are suffering from FAITH AMNESIA. You have allowed yourself to forget ALL the times God has made a way. You have allowed yourself to doubt His perfect timing and HIS faithful ways.

Now, that you know the diagnosis. What is the CURE? 1. PRAY without ceasing. 2. STAND on God’s promises and 3. TRUST in Him when you can’t trace Him in your struggle. You MUST remember all the MANY ways He has made and you MUST believe that if God did it before that He can and will do it again. Get cured of your FAITH AMNESIA to get to your FAITH BREAKTHROUGH.

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