Are you facing a mountain of burdens and see no way around, over, or through the mountain? Are there money problems, issues on the job, or struggles at home? Does it seem that everywhere you turn there is trouble? Or perhaps you or someone you love is facing a medical prognosis that has tested your faith, crushed your spirit, and challenged your hope? Then I encourage you to read on below. Read this in its entirety and then read it over again as often as needed.

At this moment RIGHT NOW I need you to read, recite, and remember Matthew 19:26 which reads. “Jesus looked at them and said, with men this is impossible but ALL things are possible with God.” Let that seep into your mind, spirit, and soul as you read it. So, often we look at how tall the mountain is we face and feel overwhelmed. We talk to others about how big the problem is we face and we feel discouraged. We think to ourselves about how impossible it will be to overcome the obstacle(s) and we feel hopeless. When instead we should look to God for help and hope and remember all of the many ways He has made. We need to remember His power, His faithfulness, His goodness, and His perfect timing and feel encouraged. We MUST tell others about how big our God is and how our mighty God can and will handle all of our burdens and feel hopeful. Tell them how God will even handle the ones which seem impossible for anyone else. Then tell that problem how God is about to show up and show out and how the test that the problem brought to you will soon turn into a mighty testimony for you. Yes, tell your problem about your big and powerful God.

With outstretched arms we should reach to the hand of God to see us through our impossible situations and all of our burdens. The hand of God will lift us up out of the valley of despair; out of our sickness; out of our hopelessness; and out of our storms of life. The hand of God will NEVER let us go and NEVER fail us. Some people, including family and friends, can’t help, won’t help, and don’t help us when we ask. But the steady and able hand of God will ALWAYS be there for us in good times and bad times.

When we face the impossible we must remember we don’t face it alone. We must NOT give up or give in even when doctors, lawyers, friends, and even family members have given up on hope for an answer, breakthrough, or miracle. We MUST pray without ceasing and speak life over our lives. The God that made a blind man to see; the God that raised Lazarus from the dead, the God that fed the multitudes with 5 loaves of bread and two fish; the God who made the mute to talk and the deaf to hear; the God that parted the Red Sea is the same God who can always make a way for you and me.

So, when people have given up hope in your situation be sure that you aren’t one of them. Hold onto to that little mustard seed of faith as you speak life over yourself. Speak healing, deliverance, restoration, and miracles. Speak it and believe it because God hasn’t given up on you in your situation so do NOT give up on God no matter how impossible it seems. Remember God specializes in the impossible for He is the God of possibilities.

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