I must admit before I was of strong faith in God that when unfortunate events happened to me that I was easily discouraged and often felt defeated and hopeless. It seemed like the more I tried to do better in life and move ahead in life the more obstacles I would face in life. It was a never ending cycle. I remember the lyrics in my head to a song that said,” I take two steps forward and I take two steps back.” Yep, that captured my feelings and thoughts because it seemed like I was never going to get ahead in life. If you can relate to this please continue reading for some insight I wish to share to help you.

I could never understand it until I started to grow in the word of God and in my faith. It started to make more sense when I started to trust God more in my circumstances and I leaned not on my own understanding of why things were the way they were in my life at times. I recalled the scripture, (Proverbs 3:5) and kept it close to refer back to when things didn’t make sense in my life. Then I would also refer back to another scripture, (Romans 8:28), to remind myself that even when things don’t look good or feel good that God was using EVERY circumstance and situation for my good.

I can look back now and realize that God had and still has a perfect plan for me that allows for both the good and bad situations to contribute to the plan. I can look back in hindsight and sit in awe of how He turned some things, used some things, and worked some things for my good even when it was impossible for me to see it or understand it in the midst of the storms in my life. I survived all the hurt, setbacks, losses, and disappointments and I am better person because of them all. Please understand that they don’t define me but they are a part of me.

When unfortunate things happen to me now I realize that it is my chance to grow in faith, understanding, and patience. It is my opportunity to witness God at work in my life being the difference maker, way maker, and chain breaker that I know Him to be to me and to all who accept Him as their savior. It is another chance to see God at work in me, for me, and through me. So, now I face the struggles in life with the understanding that it’s ALL good because its ALL GOD!

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