Is there anyone that can truly say they prefer to face difficulties in life and prefer to travel a rough and rocky road in life versus traveling an easier and smoother path in life? If we are being true to ourselves the answer is no for sure. It is human nature for us to want to take the path of least resistance as we move forward in life. Just as a river always flows around a mountain rather than through it we as humans look to go around difficult situations to avoid being uncomfortable.

I look back over my life and reflect on all my struggles I faced in life and there isn’t one I would have chosen to face in life by my own personal choice. But, God who is in complete control of my life was intentional about every struggle, disappointment, and setback He allowed in my life. EVERY tear I cried, EVERY pain I felt, EVERY disappointment I faced, and EVERY loss I encountered was on purpose and part of the plan. It wasn’t part of my plan of course because I wouldn’t have chosen the grief, sickness, heartbreak, or any of it. But remember who I said was in control of my life? Yes, God and it was part of His plan for my life.

When you’re going through the storms you often question things. You question your faith. You may question why God allowed it to happen. You may question how, when, and if you will get through it. I can look back at my journey in life thus far and in hindsight I can understand why God allowed things to happen. I know He allowed some things to happen so I would grow stronger in my faith and learn to lean on Him more than I do anyone else. He allowed some other things to happen so that others can see Him deliver me out of some struggles that seem impossible to overcome. He wanted others to see Him doing the impossible in my life so that they would know He is able and be encouraged in their own struggles. He allowed other things to happen because I was getting comfortable being in uncomfortable situations and He needed me to move onto something better or in some cases someone better. The later is how I found my soul mate, my husband.

But when I was going through it at the time I couldn’t MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. I just knew I was facing difficult situations, enormous mountains, and powerful storms in my life. I knew I wanted things to be easier in my life and I wanted the pain to end, the hurt to go away, and the struggles to stop. I didn’t understand it and didn’t want to understand it because I didn’t even want any of it to happen.

But now I am older, I am wiser, and I am stronger in my faith in God. I learned to trust Him when I couldn’t trace Him. I learned to lean on Him when I couldn’t stand on my own. I learned that the road wouldn’t be easy but He would be and will be with me every step of the way. I learned He was and is using everything; including the struggles, for my good. I learned His plan was and is better than any plan I have for myself. I learned He was and is ALWAYS in control. I learned that no matter who was and is against me that if God is for me I will come out victorious. I learned that all of the struggles only made me stronger.

So, if you can’t understand why you are facing the struggles you face in life remember there is no pain we face without purpose with God. Remember that God has a perfect plan for your life and therefore He is intentional in everything. One day when the struggle is over you can understand it. An old gospel song’s lyrics come to mind which reads, “We’ll understand it better by and by”. Then hopefully as you grow in faith you too can MAKE IT MAKE SENSE as to why God allowed it all to happen. Until then keep trusting and believing in God’s perfect plan for you and your life.

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